Do you feel ankle pain or stiffness when you go down stairs? You may lack dorsiflexion (the ability to pull your toes towards your nose) in weight bearing which is not obvious when you are lying down. As was mentioned in the previous blog, What to Expect with Ankle Treatment, ankle range of motion should be assessed in non-weightbearing and more importantly, in weight bearing. While standing, we can determine if the tightness is in the muscles or in the joint capsule. With chronic problems, it is usually in the joint capsule. I have also seen it happen acutely, in a female field hockey player. It only took a non-weightbearing manual technique at a couple of visits and she was able to do her ‘home exercise’ in the sidelines while continuing to play. Watch this video to learn how to determine if your ankle stiffness is coming from the Achilles tendon or from the joint capsule. If it coming from the joint capsule, book today!
If you are an health or fitness pro and would like to learn more, take my course entitled Active Treatment of the Lower Quadrant.
Amy Riddick Physiotherapy, where mechanical injuries get mechanical treatment.